* Problem Statement: Each team submits a problem statement for the selected project. It addresses novelty, customer needs, specifications, constraints, evaluation criteria, market, goals, and any other specific relevant issue of the project. Quantify when possible and avoid discussing potential solutions or strategies in the problem statement.
* Project Plan: Each team submits a work plan to complete the project. The project plan must clearly define the scope and expected content of the project. Solving the original problem might require longer and more significant resources than those available to the team within the confines of a time-bound academic course. Explain what is achievable and what will fall outside this time-based project’s scope. Your team should perform a skills assessment to determine accurate progress (how quickly you can move through tasks or if you need to learn new skills) that you will document throughout the project. Include a timeline with critical dates. A Gantt chart is a helpful model.
* Task Assignments: Each team assigns detailed responsibilities for each member as stated in the Project Plan. Each team member details the specific tasks in supporting the project and team. The individual task assignments are integrated into a single group plan (not just cut and pasted together). Each person must understand their responsibilities and the responsibilities of the other team members. In addition to the above tasks, teams must assign the following roles to specific individuals within the team:
- Project Manager: If a project is worth doing, it deserves a project manager!
- Create and update the project plan
- Check on team members and support the team to put in their best effort
- Sponsor Liaison: Only applicable if you have a project sponsor.
- This person is the primary point of contact for the sponsor, coordinates meetings with sponsors, identifies any issues engaging with the sponsors, and relays them promptly to the Program Support Coordinator.
- Expo Liaison: Every performance needs a director!
- Register the team for the expo and liaison with the expo organizers
- Coordinate team participation and presentation materials
- Finance Manager:
- Review project funding/reimbursement policies and liaise with the Program Support Coordinator to submit accurate end-of-semester reimbursement packages on time.
- Track purchases, record which team member made a purchase, catalog receipts, and disburse funds to team members after receiving reimbursement.
* Collaboration Methodology: Create standards and expectations for how your team will work together. Consider what resources you will use, how you expect contributing to and revising others’ work to happen, your communication and meeting expectations, and other standards that will be helpful to have in writing.
* Sponsor Expectations: Only applicable if you have a project sponsor. Set and manage expectations for how your team will engage and communicate with the sponsor. It is recommended to set up a weekly recurring meeting with your sponsor. Part of your job is to balance your team’s needs for succeeding within the parameters of the course with your sponsors’ needs. Determining and communicating the ideal scope for you and your sponsor is essential to the overall project/assignment.
- Do not over-promise and under-deliver.
- Do not set small goals that do not challenge you to grow and excel at the course outcomes.
Prepare your team’s charter using this template: LINK